Deep Root Fertilization (Tree Food)


Soil-Injected Tree Food

Deep Root Fertilization (or Soil-Injected tree food) is simply defined as below ground-level soil injections of nutrient-dense proprietary blends, specifically created for what your trees need to help them grow. (To translate this geek-speak, this means that high-quality liquid fertilizer is pressure-injected into the soil. This drives these vital nutrients to where they’re needed most; the roots!

Arizona Trees Need Soil Feeding

Arizona soil, because of it’s arid climate, is lacking in nutrient-dense soil which can leave trees thirsty for nutrients to help give them a strong “boost” in their growing process. Trees treated with Deep Root Fertilization nutrients have a higher resistance to infection and disease than trees that go without Soil Feeding.

Vital Nutrients for Healthy Trees

Trees that are deep root fed with soil-injected tree food are overall healthier because they are given a highly concentrated blend of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. This blend of vital nutrients helps their roots grow stronger and their limbs and leaves as well. A great phrase to remember is “Healthy Soil equals Healthy Trees!”.

Signs Your Trees are Struggling

Yellowing or off-colored leaves are typical signs that the trees or shrubs on your property are struggling and are unhealthy. Healthy trees usually have a 6” per year shoot growth and if you’re noticing shoots not growing to around that amount or at all, that’s usually a good indicator you’re needing a “boost”.

Your Trees Need Deep Root Fertilization

Virtually all trees and shrubbery are great candidates for Deep Root Fertilization. Just as you would visit the Doctor for an annual checkup, it’s a great boost for your plants and trees to be seen at least once a year by a Tree Doctor – Board Certified Arborists can make sure your trees are receiving the nutrients they need as well as address any other concerns or questions you may have – trees usually need more than just the sun and occasional watering that they are given. Just as we would drink milk for calcium and take vitamins for extra magnesium, potassium or Vitamin D – your trees could use the extra TLC also.

Certified Arborists Agree

According to Certified Aborist Dan Riggs, “it is recommended to have the trees on your property fertilized twice a year – in the spring (to give your trees a boost of nutrients before they gear up for a season of growth and elements!) and in the fall (to give your trees extra nutrients for their dormant period).

Pro Tree Feeding, by Arborists

Deep Root Fertilization is best done under the careful and trained eye of an Arborist to ensure that your trees and shrubbery aren’t overfed with nutrients – it is possible to inject too much nutrient-based formula that, in turn, would make your trees sick! Our proprietary blend is specifically formulated out of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous and blended with the exact amount of each nutrient that your trees are lacking. This specialized blend is then injected with special equipment approximately 6 to 8 inches below ground level to ensure the burst of nutrients meets the roots of your trees. Injection sites are made approximately 2 to 3 feet apart in a grid pattern to make sure that the fertilization blend intersects all of the roots.

Deep Root Ferilization prices can vary from project to project depending on the quantity of trees on your property as well as what they’re needing done – be sure to do your research and only hire Certified Arborists and reputable companies; many fly-by-night companies can claim you’re getting top-shelf blends of nutrients when in fact it is nothing more than a sugary mixture that will not help your sick trees at all (we respect your trees!)

Did we mention, it’s GUARANTEED?

Our Deep Root Fertilization Soil Treatments is a quick and effective process to treat your sick or dying trees (did we mention, it’s GUARANTEED?) That’s right, Guaranteed. If for any reason you haven’t seen a visible improvement in your tree’s health after 45 days, we will send our Arborist back out to your property to administer a complete 2nd treatment, absolutely free! We stand behind our service, that’s why a 2nd treatment is included with your service if it’s necessary (we really do love your trees!)

The ONLY Company with a Guarantee

Our Deep Root Fertilization team are your local tree service experts in Soil Injection treatments. We guarantee that you’ll be wowed by the results – healthy trees that grow in both height and width, and for trees that bloom – more flowers and fragrance than you’ve had before!

Free Quotes on Soil Treatments

Call our Deep Root Fertilization Soil Treatments experts today for your Free Quote!